Parks and Playgrounds gap analysis and performance assessment

Xyst undertook an open space performance and asset gap analysis covering:

  • Development of an agreed level of service standard for the BBS parks and open spaces, based on their hierarchy and types.
  • Conducted a comprehensive gap analysis providing an overview of each park within Baw Baw Shire, highlighting discrepancies between the current assets at each site and the agreed level of service.
  • Presented recommendations outlining necessary actions to retain, change or assign service for each park.
  • Prepare a net cost estimation reflecting the investment required to align the park with the defined level of service standard.
  • Produce Performance Assessment Database.

We also conducted a playground performance analysis:

  • Generated an overall playground performance score and ranking based on predetermined criteria.
  • Presented recommendations for future improvement for each playground.
  • Produced a Performance Assessment Database.

Project Benefit

This project aimed to evaluate the current state of the Baw Baw Shire parks, identify discrepancies in asset provision, and recommend improvements to align with established service levels.
Client organisation
Baw Baw Shire Council
Open Space Planning
Quality/performance assessments
Open space strategy
Reserve management plan
Sport, Recreation and Community Planning
Performance assessments
Service Delivery
Quality Auditing and Monitoring
Business Improvement Planning
Contract specifications
Levels of service setting
Project Management
Funding applications
Asset Management
Condition Assessment
Play Spaces
Play strategies
Playground inspections
Performance/Play value assessments
Maintenance plans