
With experience and expertise across the spectrum of creating, managing and maintaining outdoor spaces, Xyst has had a big impact on communities throughout New Zealand, Australia and Canada.

Feel free to browse through the case studies below to find out how we have helped council, local government and other people working in the public sector to find solutions for projects.

Western Bay of Plenty District Council
Xyst completed a service delivery review under Section 17a of the Local Government Act for Western Bay of Plenty District Council.
Napier City Council
Xyst worked with the client’s internal parks maintenance and operations team to capture their current levels of service and develop a service level agreement between the Council’s parks team and the parks maintenance team.
Nelson City Council
The capacity review allowed the client to prioritise sports field lighting projects and drainage / surface improvements and ensure that funding was provided in the Long Term plan for these projects.
Nelson City Council
The outcome of the business case confirmed that an artificial turf wasn’t a prudent financial or environmental solution to the problem.
Napier City Council
Xyst developed a Consultation and Engagement Plan and implemented the Plan to understand the community’s aspirations for a neighbourhood playground. Following consultation, a summary report was presented to the client to assist with next steps.
Port Pirie Regional Council
The benefit to Port Pirie Regional Council was to streamline record-keeping, providing a clear view of available plots and usage, and helping to optimise cemetery space.
Waikato District Council
Xyst assisted Waikato District Council in conducting an independent section 17a-style review of the camping ground operations following on from an earlier review conducted in 2014.
Hutt City Council
Xyst worked with Hutt City Council to complete a walking track network assessment with recommendations and developed an associated signage plan for the Eastern Hills track network above Lower Hutt.
Hutt City Council
Xyst assisted Hutt City Council in further developing a concept plan, following public feedback on an earlier plan developed by others. Xyst helped appoint and liaise with contractors and suppliers throughout the construction period through to park redevelopment completion.