Lake Alexandrina Outlet Creek Willow Removals

The Mackenzie District Council received reports of high lake levels and flooding around the outlet creek at Lake Alexandrina, which was causing adverse impacts on wildlife and infrastructure. Xyst was brought in to address the issue, initiating a project to remove the crack willows that were blocking the outlet creek.

Given the sensitive nature of the environment, precautions were necessary to avoid disturbing the trout spawning in the creek and nesting crested grebe. Key agencies involved included the Department of Conservation (DOC), Environment Canterbury (ECAN), and Fish & Game (F&G), who provided support, environmental advice, and consent for the project. Due to the highly public location, extensive communications were sent out to various community groups in the area.

Project Benefit

Xyst project managed the removal of crack willows blocking the outlet creek at Lake Alexandrina.
Client organisation
Mackenzie District Council
Project Management
Capital works project management