Landscape Maintenance Contract

Xyst was engaged by Greater Sydney Parklands (GSP) to prepare the Parklands West Landscape Maintenance Contract.

GSP required a procurement plan, tender documents and a performance-based contract, procured under a two-step EOI and RFT method, all to be completed within a short timeframe.

Xyst began the process by collating current asset data to form contract schedules and specifications, schedules of quantities and pricing estimates with the support of GSP. A procurement strategy was then formed and both contract and tender documentation was created with GSP staff.

Xyst then assisted GSP as they accessed EOI and later RFT responses.  A suitable contractor was then identified and negotiations were entered into by GSP.

Project Benefit

The Xyst team created a modern, fit for purpose, full-service contract to support Greater Sydney Parklands in their transition to a new delivery methodology, striving for efficiency in service on behalf of the community.
Client organisation
Greater Sydney Parklands
Open Space Planning
Quality/performance assessments
Service Delivery
Service Delivery Review (Section 17a Local Government Act)
Service Delivery Model comparison
Maintenance contract procurement
Quality Auditing and Monitoring
Business Improvement Planning
In-house management support/staff placement
Contract specifications
Levels of service setting
Asset Management
Field data collection
Condition Assessment