Waitaki District Council contracted Xyst to develop an Emergency Response and Contingency Plan for its parks and open spaces activity. The plan provided a generic risk assessment and response for all parks and identified specific risks and prepared appropriate responses where these could be identified at individual parks. The plan included actions around trees where these pose a risk to public safety including the need and frequency of inspections or Quantified Tree Risk Assessments. The plan also specified business continuity actions required for individual sites.
The plan included risk assessments and action plans for:
- Sudden tree failure
- Sustained power outages
- Sustained water/wastewater system failure
- Critical asset failure, eg bridges, play equipment
- Storm (flying debris, snow damage, etc)
- Earthquake
- Vegetation fire
- Tsunami
- Flooding/rain events
- Foreshore Erosion
- Land slippage
- Hydro spillage