Westshore Esplanade Toilet

Performance Reassessment and Recommendations Report

Xyst conducted a physical facility assessment using ArcGIS Survey 123 based on best-practice criteria. We then analysed high-level community input and considered the existing location along with two other alternative locations for a renewed facility.

We considered key feasibility criteria for siting, including resource consenting and proximity to services and attractions, the wider toilet network, CPTED and community perspectives.

We then provided Napier City Council with a recommended new facility location and suggested the type of replacement facility and features required, including connections to infrastructure.

Project Benefit

Xyst conducted an independent performance reassessment on this facility to ascertain whether the facility is fit for purpose and investigated whether the current location remains the best site for renewed toilet facilities in Westshore.
Client organisation
Napier City Council
Sport, Recreation and Community Planning
Feasibility studies
CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design)
Resource consent assessment
Asset Management
Condition Assessment
Public Amenities
Performance assessments