Cemetery Concept Plans and Capacity Analysis

Xyst undertook site analysis with key staff, an assessment of the statutory framework, a two-stage public engagement process, mana whenua engagement, and community board and council engagement in order to understand the cemetery network constraints and opportunities and to prepare and test concept plans and network priorities. Once completed, we analysed the plans to provide […]

Eastern Porirua Reserves Spatial Plan

Eastern Porirua is going through a period of change as Kāinga Ora Homes and Communities (Kāinga Ora) redevelops large areas of its land to meet housing demand and provide better community services to support growth. As part of this redevelopment the existing reserve network is being examined to determine whether it is fit for purpose […]

Reserve Management Plan – Te Rautaki mō ngā Whenua tāpui

Hauraki District Council is responsible for managing a variety of parks and reserves across the Hauraki District covering 433 ha. Xyst developed a single reserve management plan to cover all reserves in the district. The 2022 Reserve Management Plan has been prepared having considered: – the history and development of reserves so far – current […]

Open Spaces Service Delivery Review – Section 17A Local Government Act

The provision and maintenance of the open spaces in Ashburton district is currently delivered by an in-house team, which provides the full range of cemetery, parks and recreation, and public convenience services under the collective umbrella of “open space”. A service delivery review is a process of determining whether the existing means for delivering a […]

Sports Lighting Review

Nelson City has over 350 sports lights across the city. Xyst reviewed its 2018 condition assessment and gathered further information on the ownership and operation of sports lights and provided a prioritised programme for replacement and upgrading along with advice on the use of smart controls for ease of use by clubs.

Ashburton Parks Asset Condition Rating and Maintenance Mapping

The Ashburton Open Space maintenance team provides in-house maintenance of the parks and open spaces across the Ashburton District. As the maintenance work has never been outsourced there has not been a pressing need to quantify the amount of assets maintained by the team. Xyst prepared a pilot project which had three phases. Phase 1 […]

Glyphosate Use Review

Nelson City Council

Xyst captured and analysed glyphosate use across the various business units of the Council including Science and the Environment, Transport, Forestry, Utilities and Parks. We then compared this usage with results from the 2020 Use Review and conducted further research on glyphosate use and use reduction initiatives across other TAs and provided options for future […]

Wanaka Recreation Centre Sports Lighting

In consultation with club representatives and centre management, Xyst specified the appropriate lighting standard for two football fields at the Wanaka Recreation Centre. Xyst procured the lighting supply, electrical design and installation and project managed the works to completion.

Signage Suite & Procurement

The Mackenzie District Council initiated a Brand Guide (2020) to establish consistency in the Council’s visual representation. Subsequently, Xyst conducted an audit of Council signs within the District’s parks and discovered a lack of identification representing the Mackenzie District Council. Existing signs were sporadic and of varying quality, leading to challenges in visitor navigation and […]

Rakiura – Stewart Island Dark Sky Sanctuary

Following our earlier work investigating the feasibility of dark sky designations for Southland, Xyst was asked to prepare the application for the Rakiura – Stewart Island Dark Sky Sanctuary. Sanctuaries are the most remote (and often darkest) places in the world where conservation state is most fragile. Xyst prepared a GIS data collection project to […]

Track Asset Review

Undertook a detailed trail assessment of all Ruapehu District Council (RDC) managed trails using Xyst’s trail assessment system and against HB8630:2004. An individual assessment report has been prepared for every trail and this will include a complete assessment of all aspects of trail provision including visitor experience, current and recommended grade, accessibility, CPTED, hazards and […]

Property and Facilities Activity Management Plan review

Nelson City Council

Xyst provided an at-a-glance review of the asset management plan as the first stage of Council’s plan rewrite. We prepared a report that lists suggested improvements in a table and will include issues, comments and suggestions for each AMP section. It remained at a high level and did not attempt to address or rewrite any […]