Pōmare Park Development – Stage 1

Procurement and Project Management

Xyst procured a suitable construction contractor via a competitive tender process and appointed them under a 3910 Construction Contract.

Xyst also prepared the Resource Consent application and gained consent for the required earthworks. Xyst liaised with the contractor throughout the construction period, from contract issue in mid-March 2024 through to project completion in late-July 2024.

The project was delivered on time and within budget and was well received by key stakeholders including the local community.

Project Benefit

Xyst assisted Hutt City Council in the procurement of contractors and full construction project management of the Stage 1 Development of Pōmare Park in Taitā to the total construction value of $365,000.
Client organisation
Hutt City Council
Project Management
Project scoping
Capital works programme management
Capital works project management