Track Asset Review

Undertook a detailed trail assessment of all Ruapehu District Council (RDC) managed trails using Xyst’s trail assessment system and against HB8630:2004. An individual assessment report has been prepared for every trail and this will include a complete assessment of all aspects of trail provision including visitor experience, current and recommended grade, accessibility, CPTED, hazards and risk and maintenance. We captured the extent of each trail using GPS and provided this information in an up-to-date GIS layer to Council. Plus, we reviewed the provision of trails by other agencies within the district and any private provision of trail facilities.

Project Benefit

Field inspection of all Ruapehu District Council tracks, with asset data capture and assessment for future asset renewal planning processes.
Client organisation
Ruapehu District Council
Open Space Planning
Quality/performance assessments
Sport, Recreation and Community Planning
Performance assessments
GIS Analysis and mapping
Performance Assessments
Wayfinding and Signs
Service Delivery
Quality Auditing and Monitoring
Asset Management
Field data collection
Condition Assessment