Ohau Road Reserve Redevelopment

Ohau Road Recreation Reserve

Xyst was engaged by the Mackenzie District Council to revitalise the Ohau Road Reserve in Twizel. The project began with the creation of a concept plan for the reserve. Xyst’s team then utilised these plans to engage with the Twizel Community and gather their input, this work was facilitated through partnerships with the Council’s Communications […]

Lake Alexandrina and Lake McGregor Camp – Revegetation Plan

Lake Alexandrina and Lake McGregor Camp

The Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst’s consultants to collaborate with Ngāi Tahu, the Department of Conservation (DoC), and the Lakes Alexandrina & McGregor Campground Association to develop a comprehensive revegetation plan to revitalise the Lake Alexandrina outlet creek. The team navigated challenges including the region’s harsh temperatures, the necessity for irrigation, and species with low […]

Matawai Reserve Concept Plan Development

Matawai Reserve Concept Plan Development

Xyst engaged with Council and community stakeholders, including the school and tamariki/rangitahi, local working group, and hapū, to develop the concept to help in future planning. Features included a court renewal, an extended playground with flying fox, a nature play area, barbeque, seating and shelter, parking development, a perimeter trail around the junior cricket oval […]

Assessment of Effects: Proposed Sports Lighting

Xyst prepared an assessment of effects to support a resource consent application for a major sports park lighting upgrade. Analysis of lighting calculations was performed against AS/NZS4282 and the effects on adjoining neighbours, road users and the night sky was considered.

Assessment of Effects – Sports Lighting Modifications

Xyst provided advice to Timaru District Council on the effects of changes to an existing sports lighting installation on neighbours. A brief report was prepared describing the likely effects and consequences of the proposed changes to the existing lighting.

Cemetery Capacity Investigation – Future Planning

Porirua Cemetery Capacity Review

We worked with Porirua City Council to understand their existing cemetery capacity and the future space required, to ensure Council can provide interment options for the next 30 years. Xyst considered a wide range of factors, including future utilisation of the existing land, to ensure it could be used to its full potential. The report […]

Freedom Camping Review

Xyst was engaged to review the current state of freedom camping in the Ōpōtiki District and provide options and recommendations for the future management of camping in the district. The review considered the supply and demand for camping in the district, current and potential future freedom camping issues and challenges, the economic and social contribution […]

Pakipaki Pouwhenua

This project brought numerous enhancements to a section of State Highway 2, which passes the Pakipaki community and Te Kura o Pakipaki, all aimed at mitigating traffic speed. We adopted a community-led approach, resulting in landscaping, road margin improvements and the installation of six magnificent pou whenua, accompanied by interpretation signs standing proudly outside Te […]

Expert Witness – Te Tai o Poutini Plan (Lighting)

Xyst reviewed the lighting policies, objectives and rules of the combined West Coast District Plan and provided evidence to Commissioners and advice to the reporting officer for the section 42a report. This included site assessment and consideration of the effects of light across a wide range of industries and land uses. Input on the draft […]

Margaret Mahy Playground Maintenance Plan

Margaret Mahy Playground

Following the 2011 Christchurch earthquake, the Government’s Recovery Plan had a “city-wide family playground” as one of the elements of the East Frame. Xyst were engaged to prepare a comprehensive maintenance plan that captured warranty information and maintenance requirements for all items of play equipment and life cycle replacement timing and costs for surfacing, lighting […]