Anderson Park Stage 2 Development Options Analysis
Xyst provided analysis on the feasibility and cost of the proposed project components including conversion of the former toilet block into a cafe, recirculation and treatment of the water play area, fencing of the primary play area and addition of new play facilities.
Gender Impact Assessment, Warburton Mountain Bike Destination Project
Yarra Ranges Council is committed to working towards a Yarra Ranges where everyone has equitable access to resources, power and opportunities. This commitment is documented in the current Council Plan 2022-25. The Gender Equality Act 2020 requires local governments to conduct Gender Impact Assessments on all policies, programs and services which directly and significantly impact […]
FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 Bid
Xyst was engaged to assist Napier City Council with the development of a bid for the Women’s FIFA World Cup 2023. The bid was for McLean Park to be utilised as a training venue to the World Cup. The bid was successful and will host an international team mid 2023.
Open space contract quality audits and asset management condition inspections
The City of Whittlesea maintains 2,173 sites within its municipal boundaries where individual assets are located to be audited. All assets are inspected across the full range of park categories and measured for compliance with the relevant KPIs and outcomes detailed in the parks services contract, acting impartially and without bias. In any given month […]
Aquatic Facilities and Services Review
Dunedin City Council engaged Xyst to undertake a review of the pool network across the city and the services provided across the network. While the Council plays a significant role in the provision of pool space for the population, school and community pools make a significant contribution in providing equitable access to pool space citywide […]
Event Resource Consent
Xyst prepared a resource consent application for Gisborne District Council, including AEE for the events cross referenced against the requirements of Te Papa Tipu Taunaki o Te Tairāwhiti – The Tairāwhiti Resource Management Plan. This required consultation with various staff involved in the management of events to determine the scale and nature of what would […]
Community Facilities and Open Spaces Levels of Service Development
For Southland District Council, levels of service were prepared by Xyst for a range of assets within six activity areas: 1. Parks and Reserves (Open Spaces) 2. Cemeteries 3. Public Toilets 4. Community Centres 5. Community Housing 6. Water Structures (wharves and jetties) Benefits of a robust level of service approach include: • Consistency of […]
Trail Survey
In early 2022 Yarra Ranges Council engaged Xyst to undertake a performance assessment of three shared use trails: the Lilydale Lake Trail, the Lilydale to Warburton Rail Trail, and the Yarra Valley Trail. This was a follow-up to an earlier survey carried out in 2019. Performance assessments were conducted in March 2022 using the Yardstick […]
Yardstick Parks User Surveys
Yardstick Parks User Surveys were developed in around 2008 initially as a paper based intercept survey designed to target park users and measure satisfaction with a range of parks related services and features. The product was initially called Parkcheck and is still known as this by some users. The surveys were taken online in 2015 […]
Waitaki Public Toilet Performance Assessment
To undertake this work for Waitaki District Council, Xyst used its public toilet performance assessment tool to provide an individual assessment and report for each public toilet complete with photos and an overall performance score. Each toilet was assessed for: • Facility description (materials, gender configuration, location) • Condition (floors, walls, ceiling, fixtures, roof – […]
Pakipaki Church Conservation Feasibility Study
Xyst undertook a feasibility study to determine whether the building could be restored and then for the sustainability of the restored building to remain in sound condition for those activities to be held within and associated to the original Church.
Otaraua Multi-Purpose Circuit Needs and Feasibility Assessment
Xyst undertook a Needs and Feasibility study on a proposed multi-purpose circuit, unique to New Zealand due to design specifications meeting the international speed skating requirements whilst also meeting cycling, walking and running event requirements. Assessing the need, Xyst considered the population in the catchment and the growth predictions, the number of potential users given […]