
With experience and expertise across the spectrum of creating, managing and maintaining outdoor spaces, Xyst has had a big impact on communities throughout New Zealand, Australia and Canada.

Feel free to browse through the case studies below to find out how we have helped council, local government and other people working in the public sector to find solutions for projects.

NAMS Canada
Facilitation the Professional Certification Training for public and privated organizations across Canada
Waikato District Council
Reserve management plan reviewed, including development plan for historic homestead and gardens.
Waikato District Council
Reserve management plan review and update for a reserve with significant cultural and heritage values – based at the confluence of the Waipa and Waikato Rivers in Ngaruawahia – Te Huinga o Ngaa Wai.
Lakeland Recreation and Culture District
Create Asset Management Plans for six communities
Waipā District Council
Xyst provided robust technical evidence for open space qualifying matters to protect Cambridge, Te Awamutu and Kihikihi’s open space network from potential negative effects associated with the inclusion of Medium Density Residential Standards into the District Plan.
Porirua City Council
Xyst managed the necessary Reserves Act applications, ie the temporary reserve closure approval and easement, and the DoC marginal strip approval, on behalf on Porirua City Council to enable tight timeframes to be met for a major trunk sewer upgrade project required by Kāinga Ora.
Kāpiti Coast District Council
Strategy developed to safeguard and guide the provision of open space for the next 30 years.
Matamata Piako District Council
Provide options to Council for the use of land leased by Council.
South Waikato District Council
Identifies and locates all the street trees in the district recording condition, maturity and maintenance needs.