Landscape Architecture

We all have access to public spaces, yet it begs the question: are these areas safe and universally accessible, do they foster community connection, are they resilient to temporary flood occurrences, are they cost-effective, and easy to maintain, and do they serve as habitats for indigenous flora and fauna to flourish?

Our committed team of landscape architects and designers at Xyst are devoted to actively listening and comprehending your needs, striving to creatively enhance public spaces for the better. We succeed in designing spaces and experiences that are enjoyable and have a positive impact on physical and mental health of individuals and communities while fostering environmental improvement.

Our scope of work encompasses a wide spectrum, ranging from large-scale master planning, to concept and detailed design plans to more intimate design interventions such as such as detailing interpretive signage or art installations.

At Xyst, we adopt a whole-of-life approach to design from initial conception, through planning, engagement, design and implementation through to decommissioning or repurposing. We stand alongside you at every phase of the process.

if we can help you deliver a project

Our expertise

Related Team

Senior Parks and Facilities Consultant
As a Senior Consultant with Xyst, I help local government and other agencies plan and deliver parks and recreation benefits for their local communities. This involves supporting clients with a broa...
Landscape Architect
Working as a Landscape Architect for over 7 years, in both New Zealand and Switzerland, I have gained significant experience and expertise on a wide variety of projects including master planning, inf...
Senior Landscape Architect
I am a registered landscape architect with over 15 years in the field. I have significant experience working for local government and private practice on the design of open spaces including regional ...
Graduate Landscape Architect
As a landscape architect, I provide different types of plans according to the client’s requirements, the characteristics of the site, and make suggestions for future development. In social consul...

Related Projects

Glentunnel Campground Map

Xyst worked in collaboration with Selwyn District Council to create an updated and accurate map layout of the campground to guide visitors through the upgraded

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Meadow Bank Reserve Development

Procurement for Stormwater and Recreational Improvements. Xyst worked with Hutt City park officers and stormwater engineers to procure a revised stormwater improvement design and subsequently,

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Fairlie Ashes Circle

The team at Xyst were engaged by the Mackenzie District Council to spearhead the development of the Fairlie Cemetery Ashes Circle. The project started with

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Signage Suite & Procurement

The Mackenzie District Council initiated a Brand Guide (2020) to establish consistency in the Council’s visual representation. Subsequently, Xyst conducted an audit of Council signs

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East Cape Campground

Xyst prepared a concept plan to assist the Iwi Trust to develop the campground in a sustainable way, retaining the unique character of the site

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Howie Park Concept Plan

Xyst undertook consultation with key stakeholders and the community to understand how the park was used and to identify key issues and opportunities to enhance

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