Landscape Architecture
We all have access to public spaces, yet it begs the question: are these areas safe and universally accessible, do they foster community connection, are they resilient to temporary flood occurrences, are they cost-effective, and easy to maintain, and do they serve as habitats for indigenous flora and fauna to flourish?
Our committed team of landscape architects and designers at Xyst are devoted to actively listening and comprehending your needs, striving to creatively enhance public spaces for the better. We succeed in designing spaces and experiences that are enjoyable and have a positive impact on physical and mental health of individuals and communities while fostering environmental improvement.
Our scope of work encompasses a wide spectrum, ranging from large-scale master planning, to concept and detailed design plans to more intimate design interventions such as such as detailing interpretive signage or art installations.
At Xyst, we adopt a whole-of-life approach to design from initial conception, through planning, engagement, design and implementation through to decommissioning or repurposing. We stand alongside you at every phase of the process.
if we can help you deliver a project
Our expertise
- Concept Plans
- Masterplans
- Construction Plans and Construction Details
- Mapping and Geospatial Analysis
- Visualisations/Artistic Renders
- Design Guidelines
- Signage Design
- Planting and Restoration Plans
Related Team
Related Projects
Christie Park Upgrade – Concept Plan
Xyst reviewed the earlier engagement reports and original designs (prepared by others), along with feedback from the local community board, to rationalise the design while
Drone Aerial Imagery of Parks and Reserves
Xyst completed aerial mapping (using a drone) of rural land and reserves to provide a new orthomosaic image to be used for GIS, planning and
Glentunnel Campground Map
Xyst worked in collaboration with Selwyn District Council to create an updated and accurate map layout of the campground to guide visitors through the upgraded
Lake Alexandrina Outlet Creek Carpark
The Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst to produce a Concept Diagram for the Lake Alexandrina Outlet Carpark, with the intent that this plan be used
Waiohiki Flood Resilience Project – High Level Concept and Visualisation
Xyst worked with Council’s appointed engineering firm to import a current geo-located drone aerial image and the developed engineering set for the new stop bank
Te Hangāruru Trail – Horopito Hub
High Level Concept and Visualisations Xyst helped develop the concept layout including: vehicle access off the State Highway and Horopito Road, a tour vehicle turnaround
Project Management of City ‘Gateway’ Sculpture
Xyst worked closely with mana whenua to understand their aspirations and ensure these were in alignment with Waka Kotahi’s parameters. Xyst supported the artist and
Lakeside Drive Playground, Tekapo
Xyst was engaged by the Mackenzie District Council to produce detailed design plans for the next Lakeside Drive Playground in Tekapo. The design encompasses a
Purser Grove Reserve Development
Concept Plan Development and Procurement Xyst developed the final concept plan to enable Council to independently appoint the main landscape construction contractor – who was
Waihīrere Domain Upgrade – Concept Plan Development
Xyst conducted an onsite hui with hapū representatives and Council for the concept brief development, then developed a draft concept before developing the final concept,
Hawkes Bay Expressway Mapping
We drew upon a range of spatial information to develop the bespoke maps. These maps showed roading designations across the two Councils as well as
Meadow Bank Reserve Development
Procurement for Stormwater and Recreational Improvements. Xyst worked with Hutt City park officers and stormwater engineers to procure a revised stormwater improvement design and subsequently,
Streets for People Concept Development Plan
Xyst worked with the project team, and engaged with key stakeholders in the development of a series of landscape concept plans for key sites within
Ūawa Reserve High Level Concept Plan Development
Xyst conducted a preliminary site visit to analyse the site and review consultation feedback prior to developing a high-level draft concept plan. This concept plan
Twizel Greenways Tree Planting Plan & Procurement
Ad-hoc plantings through the Twizel Greenways led to issues such as shading of properties, damage to fence lines, and the spread of seedlings. In response,
Judd Crescent Reserve Planting Plan and Planting Procurement
Xyst worked with Hutt City Council to develop a planting plan for a recently upgraded reserve at Judd Crescent in Naenae. We chose a suitable
Twizel Sports Field Concept Plans
The Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst’s landscape architects and support staff to conduct a comprehensive analysis and scoping of two reserves for potential development with
Leamington Domain Masterplan
Xyst worked in partnership with mana whenua to undertake site analysis with key staff and lessees, a two-stage public engagement process and community board and
Pōmare Park – Detailed Design
The work involved developing the concept plan prepared earlier in conjunction with the local Taitā community, the DHB and other stakeholders in to a detailed
Twizel Man Made Hill Development
The Twizel Community requested the transformation of “Man Made Hill”, an untidy mound of spoil from the Ministry of Works days. In response, Xyst crafted
Lake Ruataniwha Reserve Management Plan
Xyst was commissioned by the Mackenzie District Council to develop a Reserve Management Plan (RMP) for the Lake Ruataniwha Reserve, in accordance to the Reserves
Mauka Atua Reserve, Design & Development
Xyst took on the task of designing and developing the Mauka Atua Reserve, transforming it into a functional public space. Collaborating closely with the Lake
Fairlie Ashes Circle
The team at Xyst were engaged by the Mackenzie District Council to spearhead the development of the Fairlie Cemetery Ashes Circle. The project started with
Taitua Memorial Landscape Design
Xyst received input from the TAG group on the direction for the memorial and developed the concept and the detailed design set including signage design.
Twizel Resource Recovery Park – Planting Plan & Planting
Xyst was engaged by the Mackenzie District Council to produce a planting plan and project manage the planting of the Twizel Resource Recovery Park. Xyst’s
Ohau Road Reserve Redevelopment
Xyst was engaged by the Mackenzie District Council to revitalise the Ohau Road Reserve in Twizel. The project began with the creation of a concept
Lake Alexandrina and Lake McGregor Camp – Revegetation Plan
The Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst’s consultants to collaborate with Ngāi Tahu, the Department of Conservation (DoC), and the Lakes Alexandrina & McGregor Campground Association
Ruatoria Puawaitanga Park – Concept Plan
The developed concept design aided further stage programming, planning, funding, detailed design and construction.
Matawai Reserve Concept Plan Development
Xyst engaged with Council and community stakeholders, including the school and tamariki/rangitahi, local working group, and hapū, to develop the concept to help in future
Cemetery Concept Plans and Capacity Analysis
Xyst undertook site analysis with key staff, an assessment of the statutory framework, a two-stage public engagement process, mana whenua engagement, and community board and
Eastern Porirua Reserves Spatial Plan
Eastern Porirua is going through a period of change as Kāinga Ora Homes and Communities (Kāinga Ora) redevelops large areas of its land to meet
Signage Suite & Procurement
The Mackenzie District Council initiated a Brand Guide (2020) to establish consistency in the Council’s visual representation. Subsequently, Xyst conducted an audit of Council signs
Lake Rotorua Recreation Gap Analysis
Xyst was commissioned by the Bay of Plenty Regional Council to provide a gap analysis of informal recreation provision in the Rotorua catchment. The analysis
Mangakino Reserve and Lakefront Development Plan
This popular area experiences significant pressure from different user groups. Users include casual recreational users who utilise the reserve for more passive recreational activities for
Coutts Island Concept Plan
Xyst undertook local community and key stakeholder engagement to identify needs and desires for the development of Coutts Island.
Wairarapa Five Towns Trail Network Masterplan
In 2017 the Wellington Regional Trails Framework was endorsed by the partners who initiated it and contained in the framework is a key recommendation to
East Cape Campground
Xyst prepared a concept plan to assist the Iwi Trust to develop the campground in a sustainable way, retaining the unique character of the site
Rakaia Gorge Campground Toilet Renewal and Star Deck TIF Application
Xyst completed the full application documentation, including justifying the need for additional infrastructure, developing the infrastructure proposal, demonstrating how the project will support the local
Lion in the Meadow Sculpture Relocation Visualisation
Xyst worked with the Whakatāne District Council to gather images of the sculpture in its previous location and transposed this with additional landscape development to
Awakeri War Memorial Relocation Landscape Concept
Xyst prepared the landscape concept and provided a graphic illustration of a new brass replica of the roll of honour fixed to a memorial stone
Mataatua Historic Reserve Bollard Development Concept – Whakatāne District Council
Xyst provided a landscape concept, quantities and graphic visualisation for presentation to Te Runanga o Ngāti Awa.
Riverside Dog Exercise Park Development
Xyst managed the concept and assisted in detailed design, procured products (dog agility equipment, wheelchair access, dog drinking fountains, picnic table, bag dispenser) and construction
Howie Park Concept Plan
Xyst undertook consultation with key stakeholders and the community to understand how the park was used and to identify key issues and opportunities to enhance