Open Space Planning
We create amazing parks and outdoor spaces. To achieve this, it all begins with a plan. To meet the needs of a community, our planning has to account for the long term, considering people’s needs now and how they will use the space in years to come. We have to plan for every detail, right down to who will maintain the grass.
We undertake planning development projects of any scale, drawing on the vast experience of our team in local government parks management and operation, and resource management planning.
From specific strategies to reserve management plans and overarching open space strategy, we produce planning documents you can implement within the local government political environment, and use to action the necessary tasks on the ground.
Our goal is always to provide you with practical, achievable solutions so you can get the job done.
if we can help you deliver a project
Our expertise
- Open Space Strategies
- Park and Open Space Master Plans
- Reserve Management Plans
- Policy Development
- Observation Studies
- Intercept Surveys
- Performance Assessments
- Benchmarking
Related Team
Related Projects
Christie Park Upgrade – Concept Plan
Xyst reviewed the earlier engagement reports and original designs (prepared by others), along with feedback from the local community board, to rationalise the design while
Drone Aerial Imagery of Parks and Reserves
Xyst completed aerial mapping (using a drone) of rural land and reserves to provide a new orthomosaic image to be used for GIS, planning and
Landscape Maintenance Contract
Xyst was engaged by Greater Sydney Parklands (GSP) to prepare the Parklands West Landscape Maintenance Contract. GSP required a procurement plan, tender documents and a
Tree Maintenance Annual Performance Review
The annual performance review of suppliers was based on pre-determined criteria, such as works quality, communications, public relations and health and safety. As part of
Park Service Delivery Audits
Xyst designed a specialised tool for the Yarra City Council, leveraging the Safety Culture iAuditor platform. This tailored solution facilitates the inspection of areas maintained
Lake Alexandrina Community Engagement
Xyst was engaged by the Mackenzie District Council to provide management support for the Lake Alexandrina and McGregor Reserves, which over successive years had fallen
Community Engagement and Concept Plan
Hall Crescent Reserve Xyst gathered feedback and ideas from key stakeholders and the community to inform a draft concept plan. This phase of engagement involved
Tararua Reserve Land and Community Buildings Rationalisation
Xyst was engaged to review Tararua District Council’s (TDC) land and buildings portfolio to identify opportunities for rationalisation in order to reduce operational expenditure, as
Ashburton Omnibus Reserve Management Plan
Xyst developed an Omnibus Reserve Management Plan for the Ashburton District covering approximately 120 reserves, using the process outlined in the Reserves Act 1977. This
Ashburton Land Status Review and Classification
Xyst undertook a comprehensive review of all park and reserve land held by Ashburton District Council for open space purposes, to determine how the land
Artificial Water Features in Parks
Risk Assessment Xyst conducted a risk assessment on Council-owned artificial water features located in public spaces. Xyst worked with Council to identify the assets to
Parks and Community Facilities Planning
Team Leader – 3 Month Cover During the 3 months Xyst was engaged, staff provided support progressing key projects and land use applications, assessing resource
Cannons Creek Park Wetland Project
Reserves Act Approvals Council and Kāinga Ora proposed installing and upgrading significant public stormwater and wastewater infrastructure over Cannons Creek Park to enable the planned
Harbour Facilities Officer Secondment
Xyst provided staffing resource on a secondment to cover a vacant position at the Thames-Coromandel District Council. During the 11 months Xyst was engaged, staff
Taumarunui-Ōhura Ward Reserves
Parks Development and Maintenance Plan Xyst visited each park and reserve in the Ward to collect park asset data and to map the current and
Site Operational Plan Template
Xyst workshopped with key parks staff, discussing delivery outcomes, levels of service, desired operational plans format and expectations for inclusion. This facilitated our understanding of
Parks and Playgrounds gap analysis and performance assessment
Xyst undertook an open space performance and asset gap analysis covering: Development of an agreed level of service standard for the BBS parks and open
Waiohiki Flood Resilience Project – High Level Concept and Visualisation
Xyst worked with Council’s appointed engineering firm to import a current geo-located drone aerial image and the developed engineering set for the new stop bank
Te Hangāruru Trail – Horopito Hub
High Level Concept and Visualisations Xyst helped develop the concept layout including: vehicle access off the State Highway and Horopito Road, a tour vehicle turnaround
Playground Renewal Plan
Xyst worked with the client’s internal parks team developing their playground levels of service to support Council’s future strategic direction. A report was provided outlining
Neighbourhood Reserve Consultation
Xyst implemented the Consultation and Engagement Plan developing an online survey and advertising a community drop-in session to gather the community’s aspirations for a neighbourhood
Eastern Hills Tracks
Network Assessment, Recommendations and Signage Plan Xyst physically inspected the full network of Eastern Hills Tracks in Hutt City Council to inform a track signage
Purser Grove Reserve Development
Concept Plan Development and Procurement Xyst developed the final concept plan to enable Council to independently appoint the main landscape construction contractor – who was
Mangawhai Open Space and Facilities Needs Analysis
Xyst was engaged by Kaipara District Council to assess provision of open spaces and recreation facilities in Mangawhai for the next 30 years. We assessed
Waihīrere Domain Upgrade – Concept Plan Development
Xyst conducted an onsite hui with hapū representatives and Council for the concept brief development, then developed a draft concept before developing the final concept,
Hawkes Bay Expressway Mapping
We drew upon a range of spatial information to develop the bespoke maps. These maps showed roading designations across the two Councils as well as
Meadow Bank Reserve Development
Procurement for Stormwater and Recreational Improvements. Xyst worked with Hutt City park officers and stormwater engineers to procure a revised stormwater improvement design and subsequently,
Streets for People Concept Development Plan
Xyst worked with the project team, and engaged with key stakeholders in the development of a series of landscape concept plans for key sites within
Parks Operational Review
After consulting with Maribyrnong City Council’s management and operational staff, the Xyst team identified areas for improvement and operational excellence. Xyst conducted an audit of
Playground Performance Assessment Summary Report
A total of 214 playground performance assessments were conducted in 2019 in the Toowoomba Regional Council. Data was captured utilising hand held mobile devices and
South East Queensland Water Playground Performance Assessment
Xyst staff undertook 17 playground assessments in 2019. Data was captured utilising hand held mobile devices and uploaded to an online platform that collated the
Parks Operations Business Improvement Review
Xyst staff initially carried out a desktop analysis of existing documents relating to service levels, service standards, budgets, customer feedback, asset management plans and strategic
Twizel Sports Field Concept Plans
The Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst’s landscape architects and support staff to conduct a comprehensive analysis and scoping of two reserves for potential development with
Leamington Domain Masterplan
Xyst worked in partnership with mana whenua to undertake site analysis with key staff and lessees, a two-stage public engagement process and community board and
Sports Fields Lease Model Review
Xyst was contracted to complete this piece of work which included desktop analysis, stakeholder consultation and option analysis. For the purpose of this report, only
Pōmare Park – Detailed Design
The work involved developing the concept plan prepared earlier in conjunction with the local Taitā community, the DHB and other stakeholders in to a detailed
Twizel Man Made Hill Development
The Twizel Community requested the transformation of “Man Made Hill”, an untidy mound of spoil from the Ministry of Works days. In response, Xyst crafted
Lake Ruataniwha Reserve Management Plan
Xyst was commissioned by the Mackenzie District Council to develop a Reserve Management Plan (RMP) for the Lake Ruataniwha Reserve, in accordance to the Reserves
Mauka Atua Reserve, Design & Development
Xyst took on the task of designing and developing the Mauka Atua Reserve, transforming it into a functional public space. Collaborating closely with the Lake
Waipā Development Levels of Service
As a result of gap’s identified in the preparation of Waipa’s Asset Management Plans, Xyst was engaged to prepare a parks hierarchy detailed development levels
Kaiapoi Community Hub Project Management
The Kaiapoi Community Hub is a complex programme of works located in the red zone area within Waimakariri as a result of the 2011 Canterbury
Open Space Embellishment Costing
Developed an open space hierarchy and typical development level of service description on which to base cost estimates for development contributions evaluation. Developed cost estimates
Playground Performance Assessment
Xyst conducted performance assessments and an inspection of each site. Data was captured utilising hand-held mobile devices and uploaded to an online platform that collated
Playground Performance Assessment
Performance assessments were conducted on the regions 125 playgrounds. Data was captured utilising hand held mobile devices and uploaded to an online platform that collated
Open Space Level of Service Review
The outputs included: Review current Open Space category hierarchy and identify options for improvements Performance assessment of a range of parks across the municipality Undertake
CPTED Assessment and Recommendations Report – Coronation and Russell Parks
Xyst visited both sites, took photographs, looked at CPTED criteria including natural surveillance, natural access control, territorial reinforcement, way finding, maintenance and lighting. Xyst spoke
Donovan Nursery Review
After conducting a thorough review of the information provided by Invercargill City Council (ICC), Xyst went through a comprehensive evaluation of the operational and financial
Taitua Memorial Landscape Design
Xyst received input from the TAG group on the direction for the memorial and developed the concept and the detailed design set including signage design.
Port Ōhope Wharf – TIF Application
Xyst detailed out a two-phase development including landscape concept plans, specifications and high level project pricing. Phase 1 included the exterior southern plaza, recreational wharf,
Twizel Resource Recovery Park – Planting Plan & Planting
Xyst was engaged by the Mackenzie District Council to produce a planting plan and project manage the planting of the Twizel Resource Recovery Park. Xyst’s
Ohau Road Reserve Redevelopment
Xyst was engaged by the Mackenzie District Council to revitalise the Ohau Road Reserve in Twizel. The project began with the creation of a concept
Lake Alexandrina and Lake McGregor Camp – Revegetation Plan
The Mackenzie District Council engaged Xyst’s consultants to collaborate with Ngāi Tahu, the Department of Conservation (DoC), and the Lakes Alexandrina & McGregor Campground Association
Ruatoria Puawaitanga Park – Concept Plan
The developed concept design aided further stage programming, planning, funding, detailed design and construction.
Matawai Reserve Concept Plan Development
Xyst engaged with Council and community stakeholders, including the school and tamariki/rangitahi, local working group, and hapū, to develop the concept to help in future
Cemetery Concept Plans and Capacity Analysis
Xyst undertook site analysis with key staff, an assessment of the statutory framework, a two-stage public engagement process, mana whenua engagement, and community board and
Eastern Porirua Reserves Spatial Plan
Eastern Porirua is going through a period of change as Kāinga Ora Homes and Communities (Kāinga Ora) redevelops large areas of its land to meet
Reserve Management Plan – Te Rautaki mō ngā Whenua tāpui
Hauraki District Council is responsible for managing a variety of parks and reserves across the Hauraki District covering 433 ha. Xyst developed a single reserve
Signage Suite & Procurement
The Mackenzie District Council initiated a Brand Guide (2020) to establish consistency in the Council’s visual representation. Subsequently, Xyst conducted an audit of Council signs
Milford Opportunities Project
Milford Sound Piopiotahi is one of New Zealand’s most popular visitor attractions and iconic destinations in the world. 870,000 visitors went to Milford Sound Piopiotahi
Lake Rotorua Recreation Gap Analysis
Xyst was commissioned by the Bay of Plenty Regional Council to provide a gap analysis of informal recreation provision in the Rotorua catchment. The analysis
Track Asset Review
Undertook a detailed trail assessment of all Ruapehu District Council (RDC) managed trails using Xyst’s trail assessment system and against HB8630:2004. An individual assessment report
Boat Ramps Observational Study
Xyst undertook counts, using an observational count of vehicles across all boat ramps with the addition of a user count of park users at Marine
Woodlands Estate Reserve Management Plan
Xyst provided lead consultation on review of reserve management plan process for Woodlands Estate – an historic homestead and garden complex near Gordonton. As part
The Point & Kiingitanga – Reserve Management Plan
Waikato District Council engaged Xyst to undertake a review of the 20-year-old RMP, with the new plan focusing on significant cultural values of the area.
Section 32 Report for Waipā District Council Plan Change 26 Residential Zone Intensification
Waipā (Cambridge, Te Awamutu and Kihikihi), Hamilton and its surrounds were categorised as a Tier 1 urban environment in the Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply
Bothamley Park Trunk Sewer Upgrade Reserves Act Approvals
Kāinga Ora’s Eastern Porirua Regeneration Project required a major upgrade to the trunk sewer through Bothamley Park. The park is comprised of multiple parcels, is
Open Space Strategy
Working closely with Kapiti Coast District Council and in partnership with iwi, Xyst developed a Strategy to safeguard and guide the provision of open space
Kiwirail land use options
The project considered opportunities for use of land that Council leases from KiwiRail. Xyst undertook desktop research and stakeholder consultation to inform potential future opportunities.
Mangakino Reserve and Lakefront Development Plan
This popular area experiences significant pressure from different user groups. Users include casual recreational users who utilise the reserve for more passive recreational activities for
Open Space Plan for Visitor Centre Park in the Town of Nanton, AB
The town wanted a park design to activate and invite residents and visitors to a vacant parcel of land that has been used as a
Coutts Island Concept Plan
Xyst undertook local community and key stakeholder engagement to identify needs and desires for the development of Coutts Island.
Swan Canning Riverpark (WA) Parks User Survey
Xyst measured visitor expectations of levels of service by asking them to rate the importance of various park features. These results were compared with visitor
Community Gardens Guidelines
Council acknowledged that establishing a successful Community Garden requires strong and sustained commitment from community members to undertake considerable planning, collaboration and engagement for a
Bass Coast Tracks and Trails Strategy
This strategy identified 36 new trail opportunities to expand the trail network that has been identified during the development of this strategy, (emerging from background
Parks & Facilities Management
Xyst was brought on board after a thorough risk and performance evaluation of the Mackenzie District Council’s parks and community facilities operations. Xyst was then
Options for Management of Camping in Central Otago
The Options Paper considered the current state analysis, additional data available from throughout New Zealand and the outputs from a multi-agency workshop to provide the
Mackenzie Basin Visitor Facilities
Xyst analysed visitor demand and the planned response of each agency involved in facility provision in the Mackenzie Basin. We identified capital and renewal spending
East Cape Campground
Xyst prepared a concept plan to assist the Iwi Trust to develop the campground in a sustainable way, retaining the unique character of the site
Lion in the Meadow Sculpture Relocation Visualisation
Xyst worked with the Whakatāne District Council to gather images of the sculpture in its previous location and transposed this with additional landscape development to
Awakeri War Memorial Relocation Landscape Concept
Xyst prepared the landscape concept and provided a graphic illustration of a new brass replica of the roll of honour fixed to a memorial stone
Mataatua Historic Reserve Bollard Development Concept – Whakatāne District Council
Xyst provided a landscape concept, quantities and graphic visualisation for presentation to Te Runanga o Ngāti Awa.
Riverside Dog Exercise Park Development
Xyst managed the concept and assisted in detailed design, procured products (dog agility equipment, wheelchair access, dog drinking fountains, picnic table, bag dispenser) and construction
Open Space and Street Furniture Guidelines
The Open Space and Street Furniture Guidelines is a suite of three resources: Practice Notes (this document) – 4 practice notes (people, place, environment, economy)
Gender Impact Assessment, Warburton Mountain Bike Destination Project
Yarra Ranges Council is committed to working towards a Yarra Ranges where everyone has equitable access to resources, power and opportunities. This commitment is documented
Open Space and Tree Management Market and Service Delivery Assessment
City of Melbourne engaged Xyst to undertake a market and service delivery assessment and make recommendations on the best model for packaging the Open Space
Roto Kohatu Recreation Reserve Management Plan
Christchurch City Council engaged Xyst to assist on the Roto Kohatu Recreation Reserve Management Plan. Preliminary work on the preparation of a reserve management plan
Tree Strategy
Port Pirie wishes to be a region that has pride in, and appreciates the values of its trees within public parks, streets and open spaces.
Event Resource Consent
Xyst prepared a resource consent application for Gisborne District Council, including AEE for the events cross referenced against the requirements of Te Papa Tipu Taunaki
Community Facilities and Open Spaces Levels of Service Development
For Southland District Council, levels of service were prepared by Xyst for a range of assets within six activity areas: 1. Parks and Reserves (Open
Manapouri Foreshore Vegetation Management Plan
Southland District Council (SDC) was undertaking a review of the Manapouri Foreshore Reserve Management Plan (2003) which provided for height management of vegetation on the
Waitaki Public Toilet Performance Assessment
To undertake this work for Waitaki District Council, Xyst used its public toilet performance assessment tool to provide an individual assessment and report for each
Waitaki Emergency Response and Contingency Plan
Waitaki District Council contracted Xyst to develop an Emergency Response and Contingency Plan for its parks and open spaces activity. The plan provided a generic
Minor review of Tapuaeharuru Bay Lakeshore Reserves Management Plan
In 2020 Taupo District Council received a proposal from Taupō Moana Group Holdings Limited (TGMHL) to develop the Hole in One site it occupies on
Whangarei Open Space review
The open space review included an inventory of all existing Open Space land within the Whangarei District and categorisation of the Open Space land using
Trail Survey
In early 2022 Yarra Ranges Council engaged Xyst to undertake a performance assessment of three shared use trails: the Lilydale Lake Trail, the Lilydale to
Street Gardens and Street Furniture Levels of Service
Matamata-Piako District Council engaged Xyst to define level of service statements and guidelines at a high level for provision and development of street gardens and
Yardstick Parks User Surveys
Yardstick Parks User Surveys were developed in around 2008 initially as a paper based intercept survey designed to target park users and measure satisfaction with
Bold Park User Satisfaction Review
Xyst completed a comprehensive engagement strategy involving user intercept surveys, obtaining feedback from non-park-users in surrounding areas, and a matching on-line survey to establish an
Riverside Park – Consideration of park asset re-establishment
Xyst developed a report taking into consideration the affected park assets, CPTED, implications on the flow of the surrounding park and recommendation for relocation of
Parks Performance Assessments
The purpose of the parks performance assessment was to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each park, from a multi-faceted holistic perspective, and particularly from
Wellington City Council – Open Space Quality Assessments
As part of the development of a new open space investment strategy for Wellington City, Xyst visited 131 parks and assessed each using our quality
Shade Audit of Open Spaces
Xyst provided a qualitative assessment of existing shade throughout the network and completed a current condition assessment for structural shade infrastructure. Analysis was provided to
Howie Park Concept Plan
Xyst undertook consultation with key stakeholders and the community to understand how the park was used and to identify key issues and opportunities to enhance
Playground Performance Assessment
Undertook an assessment of each playground using the Playable Space Assessment Tool, Play England 2009, which has been adapted by Xyst. The tool enabled an
Recreation Facilities Utilisation Study
The Xyst team undertook an assessment of the sport and recreation facilities across the Ashburton District, providing key provisions including a gap analysis and trend
Sports Lighting Assessment
Xyst conducted an evaluation of 372 sports lights in the Waipa District by physically visiting each location to appraise the lights’ condition and evaluate their
Hetana Street Reserve Classification
Xyst reviewed the background of the proposal and commissioned a land status report and an arborist assessment. We advised Council on the process and prepared
Westshore Playground Renewal – Scoping and Procurement for Design and Build
Key aspects of the project included: Scope development following community consultation Assessment of exisiting play structures Arrangement of site survey and consenting investigations Development of
Play Strategy Review and Open Space Quality Assessments report
Xyst undertook park quality performance assessments on all City of Greater Geelong owned or managed community parks and other open space types. We were also
Parks and Service Review
Xyst was brought in to undertake a service review of the Parks and Environment section based on a Council resolution of November 2018. We reviewed
Open Space Strategy
Xyst’s audit identified the need to review and update the Council’s existing Open Space Strategy (2013) to provide a structured and consistent approach that will
Open Space & Street Furniture Guidelines
Xyst were engaged to develop guidelines to be used to support existing Council policies and strategies and act as a compendium to the strategy. These
Bushland & Wetland Reserves Prioritisation & Planning
Xyst produced the document to help Council produce a more strategic and consistent process to ensure bushland and wetland reserves are managed for their long-term
Taitua Arboretum Development Plan
25 years on from the gifting of the Taitua Arboretum to the people of Hamilton City and 50 years on from the first tree plantings,
Copley Community Open Space Concept Plan
Copley is located in the outback and its community park lacks shade, has old playground equipment and a tennis court. The Authority wanted the park
Landfill Revegetation Programme and Maintenance Plan 2014
Xyst developed a landfill revegetation programme for Port Pirie Regional Council, along with a maintenance plan developed to assist the Council when undertaking the physical
Hibiscus and Bays Local Parks Management Plan Submission Analysis
Xyst was engaged by Auckland Council to analyse feedback on the draft Hibiscus and Bays Local Parks Management Plan. This plan was the first of
Low Herbicide Weed Control Trial Study
Nelson City Council has received several requests from members of the public who have requested that pesticides aren’t used in Council’s parks and reserves. In
Contract Management and Contract Auditing
Xyst was engaged to manage the Amenity Tree Maintenance Contract and Open Space Maintenance contract for the City of Port Phillip from May 2023 through
Hawea Historical Park Draft Co-Management Plan
Hawea Historical Park (the ‘Park’) is co-owned through a 50/50 partnership between mana whenua of the hapū Ngāti Hawea, Ngāti Hori, and Ngāti Hinemoa who